Open trailers or platform trailers as they are also called, are multifunctional in use and hard-wearing.  They are deployable for a wide range of cargo types.  They prove their value especially when the size of a load would otherwise cause a tarpaulin or wall to be in the way.  They are often used for the transportation of equipment or machines, but also for the transportation of stones, tubes, wood and construction material.

View photos

  • Rigid or steered
  • 1 or 2 steered axles
  • Self-tracking axle
  • 1, 2, 3 or 4 axles


  • Rigid or steered
  • 1 or 2 steered axles
  • Self-tracking axle
  • 1, 2, 3 or 4 axles
  • Different lengths
  • Different axle configurations
  • Different tyre configurations
  • LHV modifications
  • Coil execution
  • Container locks
  • A variety of forklift executions
  • With or without aluminium side drops
  • Hardwood floor with Omegas (standard) or panel floor
  • Different cargo clamping systems
  • TÜV “Ladungssicherungs”certification
  • Standard LED lighting

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Do you have a question about our products or services? We like to help you!

You can reach us in the following way:


    [0] => 2725
    [1] => 5443
    [2] => 8795
    [3] => 8798
    [4] => 8801
    [5] => 8804
    [6] => 8810
    [7] => 8816
    [8] => 8822
    [9] => 8834
    [10] => 8837
    [11] => 8846
    [12] => 8858
    [13] => 8876
    [14] => 8885
    [15] => 8888
    [16] => 8897
    [17] => 8900
    [18] => 8903
    [19] => 8906
    [20] => 8915
    [21] => 8918
    [22] => 8921
    [23] => 8924
    [24] => 8930
    [25] => 8933
    [26] => 8936
    [27] => 8948
    [28] => 8966
    [29] => 8972
    [30] => 8975
    [31] => 8990
    [32] => 9014
    [33] => 9017
    [34] => 9020
    [35] => 9032
    [36] => 9041
    [37] => 9047
    [38] => 9050
    [39] => 9062
    [40] => 9068
    [41] => 9071
    [42] => 9077
    [43] => 9080
    [44] => 9083
    [45] => 9086
    [46] => 9098
    [47] => 9104
    [48] => 9107
    [49] => 9110
    [50] => 9113
    [51] => 9116
    [52] => 9122
    [53] => 9131
    [54] => 9164
    [55] => 9167
    [56] => 9176
    [57] => 9179
    [58] => 9212
    [59] => 9218
    [60] => 9230
    [61] => 9236
    [62] => 9239
    [63] => 9242
    [64] => 9248
    [65] => 9257
    [66] => 9260
    [67] => 9263
    [68] => 9266
    [69] => 9272
    [70] => 9275
    [71] => 9278
    [72] => 9284
    [73] => 9287
    [74] => 9290
    [75] => 9293
    [76] => 9305
    [77] => 9314
    [78] => 9320
    [79] => 9326
    [80] => 9329
    [81] => 9338
    [82] => 9368
    [83] => 9392
    [84] => 9407
    [85] => 9413
    [86] => 9422
    [87] => 9425
    [88] => 9437
    [89] => 9458
    [90] => 9464
    [91] => 9515
    [92] => 9518
    [93] => 9524
    [94] => 9557
    [95] => 9560
    [96] => 9584
    [97] => 9602
    [98] => 9623
    [99] => 9671
    [100] => 9677
    [101] => 9689
    [102] => 9692
    [103] => 9704
    [104] => 9716
    [105] => 9740
    [106] => 9746
    [107] => 9782
    [108] => 9785
    [109] => 9794
    [110] => 9800
    [111] => 9821
    [112] => 9860
    [113] => 9863
    [114] => 9905
    [115] => 9908
    [116] => 9953
    [117] => 9965
    [118] => 9971
    [119] => 9986
    [120] => 10001
    [121] => 10013
    [122] => 10040
    [123] => 10046
    [124] => 10094
    [125] => 10108
    [126] => 10111
    [127] => 10114
    [128] => 10117
    [129] => 10120
    [130] => 10123
    [131] => 10126
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    [133] => 10132
    [134] => 10138
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    [138] => 10150
    [139] => 10153
    [140] => 10160
    [141] => 10163
    [142] => 10166
    [143] => 10169
    [144] => 10172
    [145] => 10178
    [146] => 10184
    [147] => 10187
    [148] => 10190
    [149] => 10193
    [150] => 10196
    [151] => 10199
    [152] => 10202
    [153] => 10205
    [154] => 10208
    [155] => 10211
    [156] => 10214
    [157] => 10217
    [158] => 10220
    [159] => 10223
    [160] => 10226
    [161] => 10229
    [162] => 10232
    [163] => 10235
    [164] => 10238
    [165] => 17033
    [166] => 17036
    [167] => 17039
    [168] => 17072
    [169] => 17075
    [170] => 17078
    [171] => 17081
    [172] => 17096
    [173] => 17099
    [174] => 17102
    [175] => 17105
    [176] => 17108
    [177] => 17111
    [178] => 19350
    [179] => 19353
    [180] => 19356
    [181] => 24706
    [182] => 24709
    [183] => 24712
    [184] => 24721
    [185] => 24733
    [186] => 24736
    [187] => 24739
    [188] => 24742
    [189] => 24745
    [190] => 24748
    [191] => 24751
    [192] => 24754
    [193] => 24757
    [194] => 24760
    [195] => 24763
    [0] => 24763
    [1] => 24760
    [2] => 24757
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    [4] => 24751
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    [6] => 24745
    [7] => 24742
    [8] => 24739
    [9] => 24736
    [10] => 24733
    [11] => 24721
    [12] => 24712
    [13] => 24709
    [14] => 24706
    [15] => 19356
    [16] => 19353
    [17] => 19350
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    [19] => 17108
    [20] => 17105
    [21] => 17102
    [22] => 17099
    [23] => 17096
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    [25] => 17078
    [26] => 17075
    [27] => 17072
    [28] => 17039
    [29] => 17036
    [30] => 17033
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    [32] => 10235
    [33] => 10232
    [34] => 10229
    [35] => 10226
    [36] => 10223
    [37] => 10220
    [38] => 10217
    [39] => 10214
    [40] => 10211
    [41] => 10208
    [42] => 10205
    [43] => 10202
    [44] => 10199
    [45] => 10196
    [46] => 10193
    [47] => 10190
    [48] => 10187
    [49] => 10184
    [50] => 10178
    [51] => 10172
    [52] => 10169
    [53] => 10166
    [54] => 10163
    [55] => 10160
    [56] => 10153
    [57] => 10150
    [58] => 10147
    [59] => 10144
    [60] => 10141
    [61] => 10138
    [62] => 10132
    [63] => 10129
    [64] => 10126
    [65] => 10123
    [66] => 10120
    [67] => 10117
    [68] => 10114
    [69] => 10111
    [70] => 10108
    [71] => 10094
    [72] => 10046
    [73] => 10040
    [74] => 10013
    [75] => 10001
    [76] => 9986
    [77] => 9971
    [78] => 9965
    [79] => 9953
    [80] => 9908
    [81] => 9905
    [82] => 9863
    [83] => 9860
    [84] => 9821
    [85] => 9800
    [86] => 9794
    [87] => 9785
    [88] => 9782
    [89] => 9746
    [90] => 9740
    [91] => 9716
    [92] => 9704
    [93] => 9692
    [94] => 9689
    [95] => 9677
    [96] => 9671
    [97] => 9623
    [98] => 9602
    [99] => 9584
    [100] => 9560
    [101] => 9557
    [102] => 9524
    [103] => 9518
    [104] => 9515
    [105] => 9464
    [106] => 9458
    [107] => 9437
    [108] => 9425
    [109] => 9422
    [110] => 9413
    [111] => 9407
    [112] => 9392
    [113] => 9368
    [114] => 9338
    [115] => 9329
    [116] => 9326
    [117] => 9320
    [118] => 9314
    [119] => 9305
    [120] => 9293
    [121] => 9290
    [122] => 9287
    [123] => 9284
    [124] => 9278
    [125] => 9275
    [126] => 9272
    [127] => 9266
    [128] => 9263
    [129] => 9260
    [130] => 9257
    [131] => 9248
    [132] => 9242
    [133] => 9239
    [134] => 9236
    [135] => 9230
    [136] => 9218
    [137] => 9212
    [138] => 9179
    [139] => 9176
    [140] => 9167
    [141] => 9164
    [142] => 9131
    [143] => 9122
    [144] => 9116
    [145] => 9113
    [146] => 9110
    [147] => 9107
    [148] => 9104
    [149] => 9098
    [150] => 9086
    [151] => 9083
    [152] => 9080
    [153] => 9077
    [154] => 9071
    [155] => 9068
    [156] => 9062
    [157] => 9050
    [158] => 9047
    [159] => 9041
    [160] => 9032
    [161] => 9020
    [162] => 9017
    [163] => 9014
    [164] => 8990
    [165] => 8975
    [166] => 8972
    [167] => 8966
    [168] => 8948
    [169] => 8936
    [170] => 8933
    [171] => 8930
    [172] => 8924
    [173] => 8921
    [174] => 8918
    [175] => 8915
    [176] => 8906
    [177] => 8903
    [178] => 8900
    [179] => 8897
    [180] => 8888
    [181] => 8885
    [182] => 8876
    [183] => 8858
    [184] => 8846
    [185] => 8837
    [186] => 8834
    [187] => 8822
    [188] => 8816
    [189] => 8810
    [190] => 8804
    [191] => 8801
    [192] => 8798
    [193] => 8795
    [194] => 5443
    [195] => 2725